What is Money Mindset?
Your money mindset is your set of beliefs around money. These beliefs can be formed before we even enter this physical life (i.e., past lives and events taking place in the womb) and they continue to develop and change as we have different experiences with it. In the same way we have relationships with people, we all have a “relationship” with money.
Often, it’s not a healthy one.


For over seven years, I suffered from chronic lower back pain. I spent huge amounts of time and money seeking help using traditional medicine, without ever finding a cause or solution. I decided to instead pursue holistic and spiritual modalities, through which I connected with my intuitive gifts.
I was guided to the Akashic Records—an infinite source of divine guidance and wisdom. Using this powerful source, I discovered my chronic pain was caused by a belief I had my entire life about money. Yes, money! The interesting thing was that at that time, I was making the most money I’d ever made. I had money to buy most anything I wanted, so it doesn’t make sense that I had such a fear around money.
When I became aware of it, I realized that I thought it was serving me. It was—it was keeping me safe, as many of our beliefs do. It was also costing me something, which is the part I didn’t realize. It was costing me my health, my freedom, and my ability to move through life with ease and joy. That belief cost me far more than it served me.
Just a few months after I began changing my mindset around money, the chronic pain I endured for years went away. And money started effortlessly flowing into my life, in addition to my full-time attorney salary. The Universe was showing me that changing my mindset around money would not only resolve a chronic health issue, but that I could use it to attract more of what I want in my life. I started to realize how much power we really have, by simply changing the way we think about things.
Money Keys Program
You were programmed to believe the only ways to make money are by working hard for it, inheriting it, or winning the lottery. But there are infinite ways to make and attract money.
Each one-on-one program is highly customized, based on the person, their beliefs, and what is going on in their life. Thus, the below is a sample of the content we will cover, but the order may change.
Session 1
Quickly and efficiency identify your money story and money traumas to create a personalized plan.
Session 4
We work on prioritizing what you want money for and set goals.
Session 7
Money Sequence Part 2: Increase your worth and deservingness to receive money and other abundance.
Session 10
Explore energy leaks that are preventing you from preserving your energy to use how you truly want.
Session 2
Embody the #1 magnetizing trait: gratitude; a high-frequency energy, attracting what you desire. It enhances your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. We also cover authenticity and developing the habit of asking for what you want.
Session 5
Introduction to the money sequence and how to master it: asking, receiving, holding.
Session 8
Money Sequence Part 3: Learn how to hold money so you can circulate it how you want.
Session 3
Obtain clarity and learn quick decision-making skills to get what you what you want. Indecision kills dreams—even the smallest indecisions will block you from getting what you want.
Session 6
Money Sequence Part 1: Ask for what you want and stop people pleasing.
Session 9
Clearing money blocks and calling in all things ideal.